Thinking Film
I am going to be looking at the editing techniques in from the film Hot Fuzz. i`m going to be looking at different types of editing techniques such as:Cut: Is a trivial from one shot to another.
Eyeline match :It is based on the premise that the audience will want to see what the character on-screen is seeing
Transitions: when scenes and shots are combined
Fade:fade-out and fade-in are used to describe a transition to and from a blank image. This is in contrast to a cut where there is no such transition
Cross cutting: Cross-cutting is an editing technique most often used in films to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. In across-cut, the camera will cut away from one action to another action, which can suggest the simultaneity of these two actions but this is not always the case.
Montage: a technique in film editing in which a series of short shots are edited into a sequence to condense space, time, and information. The term has been used in various contexts
Shot reverse shot:is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (often off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer assumes that they are looking at each other.
Dissolve:The slow fading of one shot into another
Final cut: The finished edit of a film, approved by the director and the producer. This is what the audience sees.
At the start of the scene as you can see Sargent angel is on a horse, riding the horse on the street equipment with guns and other dangerous equipment. This is a wide long sot of Sargent angel. in this scene everything is cleat the street behind Sargent angel is clear there is no blurriness everything can be seen. even the houses at the far-end of the road.
In this scene black transitions were used. This transition created a very serous atmosphere which also linked to the scene and what the director was going to portray.
This is shot is closer to Sargent angel. This shot is a wide close up of Sargent angel. If you look carefully the set behind Sargent angel is slightly out of focus.
Another black transition to to give a smooth change to the picture.
The camera has become more closer to Sargent angel in this scene you can see much of the road all you can see is the houses behind blurred out. Sargent angel is clear and stood out from the background
The camera has become more closer to Sargent angel in this scene you can see much of the road all you can see is the houses behind blurred out. Sargent angel is clear and stood out from the background
Here the editor used shot reverse shot we see Sargent angel from the teenager point of view. this is clear technique because here angel looks more superior than the teenagers.
In this shot we see Sargent angle sitting on the horse and the teenagers still looking at him in shock.

Now we see Sargent angle looking down at the teenagers it looks as he is going to do something very important.
The camera is back on Sargent angel. Angel still has not moved.
The last shot is of the can still there is not transition used.