Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Scottish independence


YES campaign 

I'm not a person who knows much about politics. I don't even like talking about politics but after hearing about the Scottish independence it got me thinking "why why why?"
but then I thought Scotland should have a chance of being an independent country. Scotland's future should be in Scotland's hands. Scotland can be one of the richest countries. Why not? They have their rights so why not have the right of being independent. Scotland needs more political freedom. Why should Scotland be forgotten? Scotland should be known for what it is. Not as a country apart of England. Yes there will be changes but these changes might be positive. England needs to stop  looking at the negative side of things and be positive for once. You never Know what the future might be like. Scotland's freedom could be a chance for England to change. If Scotland becomes independent it can improve in so many ways. "SO WHY NOT?"
Infographic image showing just how diverse and robust the Scottish economy is

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